

In my opinion, the sexuality chapter is probably the section that resonates most with college-aged individuals.  Nearly every topic in this section is one that can be easily observed on a college campus, in the media, or through personal experiences.  Sexuality is often approached as a biological subject; however there seems to be overwhelming evidence suggesting a cultural influence on sexuality.  Sexuality and culture seem to be intertwined, each being affected by the other.  In America, many social issues have arisen from sexuality and how it is perceived in our society.

Prior to examining sexuality from a sociological perspective, I believed biology to be the primary determinant of sexual identity.  However, the queer theory provides a very powerful argument that provides reasoning for wide range of sexual identities.  This article specifically focuses on the impact the queer theory has had on the sociological community while also examining sexuality in other contexts.

Numerous important topics were discussed in this section from defining sexuality, sexual identity, and sexual orientation to exploring the issues associated with these terms.  The gay and lesbian fight for civil rights, teen pregnancy and the commercialization of sex are just a few of these subjects.  In my opinion, the commercialization of sex and sexual revolution go hand-in-hand.  As revealed through mass media, in the last several decades, the American populace has become more sexually liberal.

Video Clip:

Teen pregnancy is a significant issue in the United States.  A frequent debate is the abstinence only sex education versus comprehensive sex education for America’s youth.  The students in this clip provide a strong argument for comprehensive sex education and highlight some of the issues that arise from sexual ignorance. 

Two Internet Sites:
The sex trade was an issue I had very little knowledge about.  Until recently, I believed sex trafficking was rare.  It seems like a cautionary tale to compel travelers to be safe and keep away from dark places.  However, that is not the case.  The link I’ve provided illustrates the fact that sex trafficking is a problem in the United States and the rest of the world.
Another important issue concerned with sexuality is the fact that gays and lesbians are currently denied equal rights in the United States.  Proposition 8, which recently passed in California, took rights away from gay and lesbian couples.  The link below goes over some of the arguments against proposition 8; however the fight still rages on.
I selected the quote below because I believe it captures a major theme concerning sexuality.  I feel that sexually is similar to race in a sense, because there are always individuals that are difficult to define.  Some people don’t fit within the constraints of specific categories.
“I've always felt that sexuality is a really slippery thing. In this day and age, it tends to get categorized and labeled, and I think labels are for food. Canned food.” – Michael Stipe
Two Paragraphs:
This is the chapter I wanted to explore most.  My older brother had his first child when he was 16 years old.  Sex education is practically non-existent in southeastern Idaho.  I feel his life would have been so much easier had he known some of the risks involved with his actions.  It is easy to feel like you are immune to teen pregnancy/STDs when you know little to nothing about the consequences.  Also, the gay and lesbian rights subject is an issue that hits close to home.  I’ve seen many of my friends struggle with coming out with the fear of losing their friends and family.  I realize a lot of controversial topics are addressed when discussing sexuality, but they are definitely issues that need to be solved.
I found that this section had some very convincing interpretations of sexuality, how it is formed, and how it is perceived.  Sexuality is an aspect of sociology that everyone can relate to on some level.  Our sexual identity is formed through our interactions with the world around us.  However, in the case of the United States, sexuality isn’t uniform.  Dissent arises out of misunderstanding and prejudice.  I don’t ever think sexuality will be homogenous in the United States (or anywhere, for that matter). I do believe, however, that we can overcome the social issues that have surfaced surrounding sexuality and ultimately be more accepting.
Word search:

Coming out: the process of defining oneself as gay or lesbian
Eugenics: a social movement in the early twentieth century that sought to apply scientific principles of genetic selection to “improve” the offspring of the human race
Heterosexism: the institutionalization of heterosexuality as the only socially legitimate sexual orientation
Homophobia: the fear and hatred of homosexuality
Queer theory: a theoretical perspective that recognizes the socially constructed nature of sexual identity
Sex tourism: practice whereby people travel to particular parts of the world specifically to engage in commercial sexual activities
Sex trafficking: refers to practice whereby women, usually very young women, are forced by fraud or coercion into commercial sex acts
Sexual identity: the definition of oneself that is formed around one’s sexual relationships
Sexual orientation: the attraction that people feel for people of the same, different, or both sexes
Sexual politics: the link feminists argue exists between sexuality and power and between sexuality and race, class, and gender oppression
Sexual revolution: the widespread change in men’s and women’s roles and a greater public acceptance of sexuality as a normal part of social development
Sexual scripts: the ideas taught to us about what is appropriate sexual behavior for a person of our gender
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General information and word search definitions acquired from:
Anderson, Margaret L., and Howard F. Taylor. Sociology: The Essentials. Sixth ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2011. Print.